Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Online Gaming

Online Rating Notice

Online-enabled games carry the notice "Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB.

" This notice warns those who intend to play the game online about possible exposure to

chat (text, audio, video) or other types of user-generated content (e.g., maps, skins)

that have not been considered in the ESRB rating assignment.

Most gamers have seen this over and over after some time you start to forget it's even their .

Well what you need to know is that your kids may have contact with a person you may not even

know about and thats not good.

All the major consoles , The Wii , the Xbox 360, and the PS3 all have bilt in parent controls

if you have one step 1 is using them.

Xbox Live Gold

Giving a kid a xbox 360 with a gold account ( so that he or she can play online ) is the worst thing you can do for your child . Yet 90% of parents just buy the 1 year xbox live card and give it to the child in part because that don't understand what that are doing !

If you do this you give your child a all access pass to things like chat , web cams ,and voice chat .

Yes you do need a gold account to play online but a silver account will still let your child use most of the cool stuff on xbox plus it's free.

ESRB Rating Symbols Explained

This is the rating system adapted by the

Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB).

I should say this system is voluntary . Meaning the game
publishers don't have to use it but most do .

Titles rated EC (Early Childhood) have content that may be suitable for ages 3 and older. Contains no material that parents would find inappropriate.
Titles rated E (Everyone) have content that may be suitable for ages 6 and older. Titles in this category may contain minimal cartoon, fantasy or mild violence and/or infrequent use of mild language.
Titles rated E10+ (Everyone 10 and older) have content that may be suitable for ages 10 and older. Titles in this category may contain more cartoon, fantasy or mild violence, mild language and/or minimal suggestive themes.
Titles rated T (Teen) have content that may be suitable for ages 13 and older. Titles in this category may contain violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, minimal blood, simulated gambling, and/or infrequent use of strong language.
Titles rated M (Mature) have content that may be suitable for persons ages 17 and older. Titles in this category may contain intense violence, blood and gore, sexual content and/or strong language.
Titles rated AO (Adults Only) have content that should only be played by persons 18 years and older. Titles in this category may include prolonged scenes of intense violence and/or graphic sexual content and nudity.
Titles listed as RP (Rating Pending) have been submitted to the ESRB and are awaiting final rating. (This symbol appears only in advertising prior to a game's release.)

ESRB Content Descriptors

  • Alcohol Reference - Reference to and/or images of alcoholic beverages
  • Animated Blood - Discolored and/or unrealistic depictions of blood
  • Blood - Depictions of blood
  • Blood and Gore - Depictions of blood or the mutilation of body parts
  • Cartoon Violence - Violent actions involving cartoon-like situations and characters. May include violence where a character is unharmed after the action has been inflicted
  • Comic Mischief - Depictions or dialogue involving slapstick or suggestive humor
  • Crude Humor - Depictions or dialogue involving vulgar antics, including “bathroom” humor
  • Drug Reference - Reference to and/or images of illegal drugs
  • Fantasy Violence - Violent actions of a fantasy nature, involving human or non-human characters in situations easily distinguishable from real life
  • Intense Violence - Graphic and realistic-looking depictions of physical conflict. May involve extreme and/or realistic blood, gore, weapons and depictions of human injury and death
  • Language - Mild to moderate use of profanity
  • Lyrics - Mild references to profanity, sexuality, violence, alcohol or drug use in music
  • Mature Humor - Depictions or dialogue involving "adult" humor, including sexual references
  • Nudity - Graphic or prolonged depictions of nudity
  • Partial Nudity - Brief and/or mild depictions of nudity
  • Real Gambling - Player can gamble, including betting or wagering real cash or currency
  • Sexual Content - Non-explicit depictions of sexual behavior, possibly including partial nudity
  • Sexual Themes - References to sex or sexuality
  • Sexual Violence - Depictions of rape or other violent sexual acts
  • Simulated Gambling - Player can gamble without betting or wagering real cash or currency
  • Strong Language - Explicit and/or frequent use of profanity
  • Strong Lyrics - Explicit and/or frequent references to profanity, sex, violence, alcohol or drug use in music
  • Strong Sexual Content - Explicit and/or frequent depictions of sexual behavior, possibly including nudity
  • Suggestive Themes - Mild provocative references or materials
  • Tobacco Reference - Reference to and/or images of tobacco products
  • Use of Drugs - The consumption or use of illegal drugs
  • Use of Alcohol - The consumption of alcoholic beverages
  • Use of Tobacco - The consumption of tobacco products
  • Violence - Scenes involving aggressive conflict. May contain bloodless dismemberment
  • Violent References - References to violent acts

Monday, June 22, 2009

Top 5 Video Games you've never played .

Now a days flashy graphics and big budgets are all the rage in games but that's not all games are . Where is the story ? Often the story is the most overlooked part of a game . Many games with great stories get little to no coverage here are some of the best .

5. Lost Odyssey
Lost Odyssey is the story of Kaim, an immortal character who has lived more than 1,000 years. He doesn't remember his past, and he doesn't know where his future lies. Throughout Kaim's journey, a handful of characters will join him on an odyssey to discover their intricate past and destiny, leading you through a dramatic story of massive scale . This little gem is no ordinary rpg with a rich story and a time span of 1000 years to cover you won't want to stop playing to find out what happens next . Rated T

4. The Longest Journey
This old school point and click adventure game is very relevant to today . The Longest Journey will take you on an exciting and original journey of discovery, where you will explore, solve puzzles, meet new people, face terrifying monsters, learn, grow, and live the adventure of a lifetime . This game is Rated M for strong language .

3. Dreamfall

Something is affecting the world: static interference disrupts technology, and it seems to be linked to a ghostly presence seen only by a few – a presence inhabiting a black house in a wintry landscape . The second game in The Longest Journey series is no mere sequel available now over xbox live. This game is Rated M for strong language and violence .

2. Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic ( KOTOR )

The game takes place 4,000 years before the Star Wars movies . A Dark Lord of the Sith has unleashed a Sith armada against the Republic . The Siths aggression has left the Jedi scattered and vulnerable; many Jedi Knights died in battle , many others swore allegiance to the Dark Side. This game has one of the best moments in gaming a real must play. Rated T

1. Beyond Good & Evil

Beyond Good & Evil puts you in the role of Jade, a young woman who, along with her humanoid pig uncle, Pey'j, runs a orphanage in a lighthouse on the planet Hillys. Hillys is at war with an alien force known as the DomZ, and an elite squadron known as the Alpha Sections protects Hillys from the alien threat. Or does it ? There is something truly evil and something truly good in this game as the name impales . This game moved me in a way few ever have . One of the most human games ever conceived . Rated T

Thees games prove that story can be the most compelling component of a game . I for one hope more developers take the wisdom of thees games to hart .

" We must face the choice between what is right and what is easy . "