Saturday, August 7, 2010

Microsoft wants to patent 'gesture keyboarding' with Kinect technology

A Microsoft patent application for "gesture keyboarding" that became public today details how Microsoft could be thinking of using its Kinect device not only for the Xbox, but also possibly for a Minority Report type of computing interface (which others have predicted previously). Maybe they'll call it "no-touch" computing?

While GoRumors focused on the patent as a way to show how the Kinect works (which it does) after reading it, it would seem that Microsoft is certainly looking to go beyond the Xbox with the Kinect. Take a look at some of the "claims" that Microsoft is making with this patent:
* A method for providing keyboard-like input to a computer system that accepts gesture input,
* Each gestured character comprises an alphanumeric character.
* The input gesture comprises a gesture in a sign language.
* The sign language comprises American Sign Language (ASL).
* The user creates the input gesture using a physical prop.
* The physical prop comprises a keyboard that is not physically connected to the computer system
* The user creates the input gesture by mimicking use of a phantom prop.
* The phantom prop is a phantom ball or a phantom keyboard.

Less Than 1pct Of The Xbox 360's CPU Will Be Used For Kinect

Microsoft has confirmed upcoming motion controller Kinect uses "less than one per cent" of the Xbox 360's CPU.

Rumours circulated that Kinect could use as much as one full CPU to run however Ubisoft's "Kinect expert" put the rumblings to rest.

Ubi's Frederic Blais discredited the rumour while speaking to Xbox World 360 Magazine via CVG stating, "That's not true at all. I don't really know how much I can talk about it but it's less than 1% [of the CPU's power], or something like that."