5. Lost Odyssey

4. The Longest Journey

3. Dreamfall

Something is affecting the world: static interference disrupts technology, and it seems to be linked to a ghostly presence seen only by a few – a presence inhabiting a black house in a wintry landscape . The second game in The Longest Journey series is no mere sequel available now over xbox live. This game is Rated M for strong language and violence .
2. Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic ( KOTOR )

The game takes place 4,000 years before the Star Wars movies . A Dark Lord of the Sith has unleashed a Sith armada against the Republic . The Siths aggression has left the Jedi scattered and vulnerable; many Jedi Knights died in battle , many others swore allegiance to the Dark Side. This game has one of the best moments in gaming a real must play. Rated T
1. Beyond Good & Evil

Beyond Good & Evil puts you in the role of Jade, a young woman who, along with her humanoid pig uncle, Pey'j, runs a orphanage in a lighthouse on the planet Hillys. Hillys is at war with an alien force known as the DomZ, and an elite squadron known as the Alpha Sections protects Hillys from the alien threat. Or does it ? There is something truly evil and something truly good in this game as the name impales . This game moved me in a way few ever have . One of the most human games ever conceived . Rated T
Thees games prove that story can be the most compelling component of a game . I for one hope more developers take the wisdom of thees games to hart .
" We must face the choice between what is right and what is easy . "
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