The actual details of how that story plays out vary from person to person, and impressively so. I've had fun comparing notes with people who imported a Renegade character from the first game, because they experienced a host of different events in ME2 than my Paragon did. For instance, I chose to spare the Rachni race from genocide, so I saw an event in ME2 that someone who exterminated them would have missed. People I protected in the original game have sent me emails to thank me for my help or to rant at me for teaming up with Cerberus, the shadowy organization whose unethical work I was constantly undermining throughout the course of ME's periphery missions. Minor characters whom I didn't kill in cold, Renegade blood returned for new bit roles, and each of Shepard's former teammates had a part to play as well. Whether as text files, side quests, or asides in key plot scenes, ME2 has done a damn fine job of building on the decisions that Shepard -- my Shepard -- made on his last mission.
World-building -- or, more properly, galaxy-building -- is truly Mass Effect 2's forte. BioWare has constructed an interesting universe for the series; one largely populated by common sci-fi tropes, it's true, but it pulls off even the tritest clichés thanks to the impact of your actions. (The solid writing and exceptional voice acting certainly don't hurt.) ME2 is predominantly set outside the regions of space covered in the first game, and as such gives the impression of a more flavorful universe. Races which were scarce or absent in all but name the first time around play major roles here, and you spend far more time exploring the worlds and cultures of secondary species. Plus, it all builds toward a finale that takes into account the choices you make along the way while setting up another climactic decision that will no doubt shape the series' finale.
I don't want to say too much more and spoil the experience for you because with this game the experience is truly your own all together it's wonderful . For all you parents there is nothing in this game your Teenager has not seen in a R rated movie. 13 and up should be ok with it.
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